Trail Ridge Road and Lulu City Trail
Trail Ridge Road through Rocky Mountain National Park. This picture is at about 12,000 feet above sea level. There are several miles like this and please note that there are very limited amounts (none) of guard rails. Nothing between you and thousands of feet down. Rhonda states she will not take this road again (ever).
Mountains on the other side of the valley from Trail Ridge. Note that these mountains are over 12,000 feet.
Note the tundra vegetation as we are above tree line.
Another view from Trail Ridge Road.
Mountain top not far from the Trail Ridge Road.
Cabin remains along the Lulu City trail. This trail is over 9,000 feet in elevation. This cabin is from a silver miner that used to live on the way to Lulu City. The remains of LuLu City is 3.7 miles from the trail head. LuLu City existed from 1879 to 1884 and at one time had a population of about 200 people.
Rhonda on the trail to LuLu City.
Here we are the town site of LuLu City. Remember that the round trip is 7.4 miles at over 9,000 feet. It was tough.
The one cabin remains that we found at LuLu City.
Meadow where LuLu City used to be.
Deer running through LuLu City.
Colorado City outside of LuLu City.
Meadow on the trail to LuLu City. Note the Beetle blight in the pine trees on the mountains.
Ore cart we found along the trail to LuLu City. Last mining was done in about 1914. Pretty cool.
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